Let Us Not Forget

The following comment came from a pastor in Uganda:

We are very excited about what the Lord is doing in Northwestern Uganda. I will never forget what one Yumbe pastor said and wrote to me, “We had thought God had forgotten about us and we know now He has not”. Your Kindle ministry is part of God’s plan in spreading His fame in a much neglected area.

Of course, we are lucky that we have the opportunity to visit a church when we want to because there are so many worldwide to choose from. Some people even venture out far and wide to attend a church service because this has been made possible. The online donations that people can make to their religious establishments are remarkable, especially when you look for methods via somewhere like Tithe.ly to provide people with another means to donate. This money can go towards the services of the pastor, as well as making sure that the building remains in a stable condition for services. Unfortunately, there are other countries that don’t have this luxury.

We take for granted having the resources to buy books anytime we want them. The average pastor has hundreds of books. In Uganda there are pastors who have their Bibles and a couple of books. Their most important capability is to be able to read and study in English. All of Southeastern Africa needs to be flooded with Kindles. These men should not lack having good study materials.

What we take for granted they strongly desire. Let us not forget them.

148+ Titles

With the help of sites such as monergism.com, Desiring God, generous donations from 9Marks and other sources we can now offer 148 books on the Kindles for African pastors.  Many of these books are miulti-volune sets so the number of actual books may be near 200.

How many books is this. Picture your typical standalone book cabinet that is 6 feet tall, 3 feet wide and 6 shelves full of books. This is how many books we are sending to the pastors. I cannot imagine shipping this many books and having the pastors maintain auxh a physical library. Thank the Lord for digital books. These men now have a full library to assist them in their study and own spiritual growth.

Here is the list of books we are supplying:

1 John Arthur W. Pink
A Body of Divinity James Usher
A Breathing After God Richard Sibbes
A Call to Prayer J.C. Ryle
A Treatise of Self Denial Thomas Manton
advent-2013 John Piper
alive-to-wonder John Piper
Am I Really a Christian Mike McKinley
Andrew_Fuller__I_Will_Go_Down_If_You_Wil_-_John_Piper John Piper
Anti-Pelagian Writings Augustine
Apostasy Various
Around the Wicket Gate Charles H. Spurgeon
attributes of God A. W. Pink
Augustine and The Pelagian Controversy B. B. Warfield
Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church Michael Lawrence
Biblical Theology Study 9Marks
Bondage of the Will Martin Luther
Calvin T.H.L. Parker
Calvin on the Mediator from Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin
Cases of Conscience William Perkins
Charity and Its Fruits Jonathan Edwards
Christianity and Liberalism J. Gresham Machen
Church Discipline Jonathan Leeman
Church Leadership Study 9Marks
Church Membership Jonathan Leeman
Church membership Study 9Marks
Church Study 9Marks
Come to Me! Tom Wells
Comfort in Affliction Various
Commentary on Ephesians Thomas Goodwin
Common Objections to Christianity Steve Hays
CONSIDER JESUS_ Thoughts for Daily Duty Octavius Winslow
Conversion Study 9Marks
David Brainerd May I Never Loiter John Piper
Day of Judgment Various
Defending the Faith Cornelius Van Til
Disability John Piper
Discipleship Study 9Marks
Divine Covenants A. W. Pink
Do You Think You Are Converted? j.C. Ryle
doctrine-matters John Piper
Evangelism study 9Marks
Exposing_the_Dark_Work John Piper
Expositional Preaching Study 9Marks
Expository Thoughts on the Gospels J. C. Ryle
Finding Faithful Elders & Deacons Thabiti M. Anyabwile
Gleanings From Paul A. W. Pink
God Becam Man – Cur Deus Homo St Anselm
God’s Canon Steve Hays
God’s Free Grace & Man’s Free Will William Perkins
God’s Way of Holiness horatius Bonar
Gospel Study 9Marks
Heaven on Earth Thomas Brooks
Heaven: A World of Love Jonathan Edwards
Hebrews 11 Commentary William Perkins
History of the Reformation of the Sixteen J. H. Merle D’Aubigne
Holiness J. C. Ryle
Hudson Taylor – Autobiography Hudson Taylor
Human Nature in its Fourfold State Thomas Boston
Introduction to the New Testament  Louis Berkhof
It Is Well Mark Dever and Michael Lawrence
John G. Paton-You Will Be Eaten By Cannibal John Piper
Knowing Christ Crucified William Perkins
Lectures on Calvinism Abraham Kuyper
Lex Rex Samuel Rutherford
Love to the uttermost John Piper
Martin Luther Letters Martin Luther
Matthew Commentary – Spurgeon_ Charles H_ Charles H. Spurgeon
Mortification Various
Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod Thomas Brooks
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church Mark Dever
old-paths J. C. Ryle
Outlines of Theology A. A. Hodge
Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul Octavius Winslow
Pink Anthology Arthur W. Pink
Practical Christianity William Wilberforce
Practical Religion Horatius Bonar
Profiting from the Word A. W. Pink
Puritan Gems Thomas Watson
rant J. C. Ryle
Reformed Faith Thomas E. Tyson and G. I. Williamson
Regeneration Or the New Birth A. W. Pink
Richard Sibbes – Vol. 7_ Misc. Sermons Richard Sibbes
Salve for a Sick Man William Perkins
Sanctification in the everyday John Piper
Select Writings of William Cunningham John Hendryx editor
Sermons on Proverbs Charles H. Spurgeon
Sound Doctrine Bobbie Jamieson
Spurgeon Anthology  Charles H. Spurgeon
Spurgeon Gems Charles H. Spurgeon
still-not-professionals John Piper, et. al.
Studies in Scripture & Its Authority  Herman Ridderbo
Studies on Saving Faith A. W. Pink
Summary of Christian Doctrine Louis Berkhof
Systematic Theology R. L. DABNEY
Systematic Theology Louis Berkhof
TakeCareHowYouListen John Piper
Ten Indictments  against the Modern Church  Paul Washer
The Atonement Loraine Boettner
The Attributes of God A.W. Pink
The Beatitudes Watson, Thomas
The Belgic Confession of Faith (1561) Guy de Bres
The Benefit of Christ Crucified Don Benedetto
The Bonar Anthology Horatius Bonar
The Bruised Reed Richard Sibbes
The Certainty of Faith – Bavinck_ Herman Herman Bavinck
The Christian in Complete Armour William Gurnall
The Christians Great Interest William Guthrie
The Church and The Suprising Offense of God’s Love Jonathan Leeman
The Covenant of Life Opened Samuel Rutherford
The Doctrine of Election A. W. Pink
The Doctrine of Repentance Thomas Watson
The Duties of Parents j.C. Ryle
The End of Infidelity Steve Hays
The Everlasting Righteousness – Horatius Bonar Haratio Bonar
The Farewell Sermon of Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Edwards
The Gospel in the Pentateuch (5 Books) Henry Law
The Hidden Life of Prayer David MacIntyre
The Marrow of Sacred Divinity William Ames
The Method of Grace John Flavel
The Mischief of Sin Thomas Watson
The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod – Comfort for Suffering Saints Thomas Brooks
The Old Testament Doctrine of Salvation WILLIAM DEAS KERSWILL
The Orgin of Paul’s religion J. Gresham Machen
The Reformed Faith  Loraine Boettner
The Scripture Testify about Me multiple authors
The Sermons of Charles Spurgeon_ Vol. 1 C. H. Spurgeon
The Sinfulness Of Sin Ralph Venning
The Sovereignty of God A. W. Pink
The Spurgeon Anthology Charles H. Spurgeon
The Sum of Saving Knowledge David Dickson
The Total Depravity of Man A. W. Pink
The Trinity Loraine Boettner
The Works of John Bunyan 3 Vols John Bunyan
Theology Proper Charles Hodge
Treasures of Bonar Horatius Bonar
Tribute-To-My-Father John Piper
Truths Victory Over Error David Dickson
Types and Metaphors of Scripture REV.  BENJAMIN KEACH
Vital Prayer Various
Westminster Shorter, Part 1 Thomas Boston
Westminster Shorter, Part 2 Thomas Boston
What Is a Healthy Church Mark Dever
What Is the Gospel Greg Gilbers
What Is the Reformed Faith Thomas E. Tyson & G. I. Williamson

If you know of a source of good digital (Kindle format) books that we can obtain for free please email [email protected] with the information.


What Joy!

The following is an excerpt from Jacob and Carol Lee’s newsletter:

Godfrey, who has been undergoing a mentoring process here at RAU and an intense time of study, is nearly ready to make his move to Obongi.  He is truly excited, not only about the Word of God, but also about being able to be a part of the milestone outreach to this unreached area.  Jacob has so enjoyed helping to equip Godfrey in different ways and has had great conversations with him. Last night, after having had some time to read in his new Kindle, loaded with over 100 Christian books, Godfrey came inside from the veranda, nearly giddy, and stated, “You know, God gave Adam this beautiful garden with all kinds of fruits for him to enjoy.  What God gave Adam in the garden, you have given me in this Kindle!”  Awesome!  Thank you, Delmar Hager, for your vision and provision of this most excellent tool for pastors!  The fruit that the Kindles, as well all the Christ centered books given out, will bear in eternity cannot even be contemplated now!  Thank you to all who have been a part of providing Bibles and books to enrich pastors. We look forward to seeing the harvest of wisdom in Godfrey through the resources he has been given and planted within him. Pray for him as he leads a new church in the center of Muslim dominated Obongi. Pray for us as we seek to encourage him and assist this church plant which has only new converts.

This is ground zero for the ministry. Pastors who are given resources to study and serve the Lord. I thank the Lord for Jacob and Carol Lee who are on the ground in Uganda. They are the conduit that make this ministry so effective.