From Jacob Lee

This is a Facebook post from Jacob Lee last November. Please note the Kindle Fire in the picture.

This photo brings me great joy! This is a Sudanese pastor who is doing gospel work in the Republic of (North) Sudan. God’s primary call upon Reaching Africa’s Unreached (RAU) is to strengthen shepherds and church leaders from Northwestern Uganda, South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan in the fundamentals of the Christian faith.
God’s primary means to get the gospel to the unreached of the world is through the local church! Our prayer is that RAU can be an effective part of Christ’s work of building his church in our region of the world. Sound gospel-centered churches reaching ALL people and language groups in the Sub-Saharan!
This pastor now has an Arabic Study Bible, Arabic, and Christian books, and Kindle Fire loaded with Arabic teaching resources. All these resources have made their way to RAU’s through God’s faithful people giving and praying! 
You know who you are…thank you and God’s bless you for be part of RAU walking out 2 Timothy 2:2 in Sub-Saharan Africa! 
RAU’s Mission/Vision Statement:

Kindles to South Sudan

Our messengers for the gospel.

These men are preparing to return to South Sudan. The Kindles have the Jesus Story in the Arabic language. Please be praying the Lord will use these Kindles, you have donated, for His glory. We have also provided solar power chargers for each Kindle so they can be used in remote areas.

Our Work Continues

By the grace of God we were able to deliver 200 Kindles to Ethiopia, Uganda and Zambia in January, February and March. Normally we would distribute the Kindles through out the year but the Lord knew about the travel restrictions that were going to happen in March.

Kindles will be going to indigenous missions that will be serving in Ethiopia, South Sudan, North Sudan and Uganda. We were able to send 50 Kindles to Africa Christian University. These Kindles are given to the students and are their “text books”. We spent $15,000 last year to supply the students with digital textbooks.

Be praying that all of these Kindles will be used to God’s glory.

Gratitude for Kindles


Below is a letter from the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor at African Christian University in Zambia

Dear Delmar,

I hope this email finds you well. I am sorry for writing to you so much later after receiving the Kindles but rest assured that the students are truly grateful for your generosity. Many of the students we have come from disadvantaged homes and having the opportunity to learn through a Kindle is just such an exciting opportunity for them( The attached picture somewhat expresses the students joy). We would like to express our sincere gratitude in supporting these students’ education not only in supplying us with the Kindles but also for providing the books for them and responding to our haphazard requests.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support, may the Lord Himself richly bless you and your ministry.


Kind regards,

Prashant Thakkar

Assistant to the Vice Chancellor
African Christian University
P.O. Box 320161, Woodlands
Lusaka, Zambia
E:[email protected]

Ph: +260 960 439585

More Kindles for Uganda

When Jacob Lee of Reaching Africa’s Unreached left for Uganda at the end of March we were able to send 50 Kindles with solar power chargers with him. His plan is to distribute them in the South Sudanese refugee camps. Also, some of the Kindles will be going to Sudan. The Lord is really opening up the mission fields for these Kindles.

Below is a testimony from Uganda:

Tobious Ojji March 18 ·
Kindle fire Jesus film ministry is the practical gospel tools which opens many doors for the gospel to reach unreached areas in the Metu mountains, it is really practically for people, in the recently days after one family saw all the film, on Saturday, and on the next Sunday all the family members came to the church for prayers praise God, this has made the gospel more expanded, in every houses holds,this has made the demands of more discipleship programs needed in the remote areas of metu mountains, besides it is more demanded by the members, because the number of the kindles are few, So our prayers is that God should provide us more for the faithful servants in the metu mountains, with Its mobile solars.

Please pray that we will be able to send more Kindles and solar power units to the far reaches of the world so that the Gospel can be spread. A Kindle with solar power unit only costs $100. This is a small cost to reach so many.


Ministry in Ethiopia

I spent a week teaching in Ethiopia Dange Balcha. Dange invited me to teach in a Simeon Trust seminar on Expositional Preaching to Ethiopian pastors. What was special about this training is that I was not required to have a translator because all of the men understood and spoke English. This was a great help in teaching.

Dagne and I taught lectures on staying on the line, structure, through the cross, melodic line and, text and framework. Each of the men participated in workshops where there analyzed the text and presented to their small group.

We also provided Kindles to each of the men. These Kindles included English and Amharic books. Also, The Jesus Film in 4 languages in on each Kindle. It is a joy to be able to provide the Kindles to these men.


A Christmas Investment

This is the time of the year we focus on giving. The reason for the season is Christ. He came to earth to become a man who lived a perfect life, died a cruel death, was buried and rose again on the third day to give. Yes He went through all of this to give and that gift is forgiveness of sin and eternal life with Him. This gift required a huge investment on the part of Christ. He had to spend 33 years on earth, 3 years in teaching and gave His own life. He set in place forgiveness and gave us a mission to tell the world of this forgiveness in Christ.

When we consider investments we look for a return on our investments. We like investments that are small but have huge returns. We want an investment that has a lifetime of dividends, such as oil investments, gold investments, etc. An investment in Study To Be Approved is a wise investment. First, the amount invested can be as small as $100 and comes with an eternal dividend. One Kindle Fire with a solar power unit can reach people who never had a chance to hear the gospel. The Kindle Fire can be used to show The Jesus Film to a multitude of people. Your dividend will be the people who come to know Christ because of your investment. Also, you know the money you give goes directly to purchase and prepare Kindles Fires to be sent to impoverished countries to equip pastors and evangelists.

Will you make an investment? Think how exciting it will be to meet the many people who trusted Christ as Lord and Savior when you get to heaven because of your investment!

So this Christmas make a small investment with an eternal dividend.

Reaching the Refugees

In the news, we hear about refugees in news all of the time. There are refugees because of natural disasters and political refugees. Because of the civil war in South Sudan, there are currently 1 million people in refugee camps in Uganda. Many of these refugees do not expect to return home for 5 or more years.

During the civil war in South Sudan, whole villages were forced flee. There were many villages that had evangelical churches. The congregations and their pastors have fled to Uganda. The pastors of these churches have started working in the refugee camps where they now live. 

Kindle Fires and portable solar panels for pastors in the nearby Bidibidi refugee camp. Pastor Joshua, second from the left, is our co-worker in the camps who have been delivering RAU materials.

Please pray and give so we can equip pastors to care for their congregations and use The Jesus Film to help spread the gospel to unbelievers.

Let’s See the Jesus Film

Here is what Tobious in Uganda wrote:

After school all the children are coming to ask for kindle fire to see the Jesus film. They love to watch it on the weekends.

What a blessing to see children desiring to set the Jesus film. They do not have a overload of entertainment in their culture. Imagine how this film is affecting the rest of their lives. They are being saturated with the Gospel.

The Kindle Fires are helping spread the Gospel to the ends of the world.

Ethiopia Update

I am in Ethiopia preparing to preach this Sunday and participate in pastor training this week. Every time I go to a African country I am reminded of the unreached millions. I just returned from a walk around my hotel. I see the faces of hundred’s of people who have never heard the Gospel.

We were able to bring in 18 Kindle Fires on this trip. These Kindles have Amharic theology books and the Jesus Film in multiple languages. Please pray for the pastors we are training that they will train others and use the Kindles they receive to reach the untold millions in their country. Each pastor coming to the training has made a commitment to train 10 others in the next year.